Beware: There are small talk criminals lurking everywhere. The coffee shop, your kids’ school, the gym, the office, the dinner party. These brazen bullies strike quickly and without warning – and they don’t care who they hurt. My ongoing series, “Talk Tyrants,” serves two purposes: it equips you to artfully escape the attack of […]
Ice breaker
Should Kids Use Formal or First Names With Adults?
Dear Debra, School’s back in session and I am not sure how to introduce myself to children in my child’s class. There are some children in class whom I have known for many years, and they call me by my first name. But there are new faces as well, and I would actually […]
Why A Handshake Gets A Thumbs Up.
My friend Molly recently told me about her son’s first day at jiu jitsu and she was, in a word, thrilled. “Griffin tried to fist bump the instructor and he said, ‘Oh, no, Griffin, we shake hands in jiu jitsu’. I was so happy! He’s learning jiu jitsu and proper manners all at the same time! He’s […]
I Swear!? Is foul language okay in everyday conversation?
Thoughts on inappropriate language. Dear Debra: I am over a 50 year-old female. I don’t know if that matters or not, but I am often surprised by the free-flow of what once was considered foul language in every day conversation. Am I being too sensitive? I can’t believe how often I hear four-letter […]
Talk Tyrants and Their Victims | A Small Talk Series | The One-Upper
Beware: There are small talk criminals lurking everywhere. The coffee shop, your kids’ school, the gym, the office, the dinner party. These brazen bullies strike quickly and without warning – and they don’t care who they hurt. My ongoing series, Talk Tyrants, serves two purposes: it allows you the chance to escape the attack […]
Thank You Notes Via Facebook? No LIKE.
Dear Debra: Is it appropriate to use Facebook to send a thank you note? I recently gave my friend’s daughter a generous gift to celebrate a big event in her life, and was surprised when I received a message from her via Facebook. Am I wrong to feel wronged? Sincerely, Feeling Unfriended Dear […]