Google ‘fear of public speaking’ and you will be inundated with articles. Not one of them says run from the room screaming, so you’re out of luck there. I’ve written more than a few articles, book chapters, and cheat sheets on ways to overcome what still appears to be the number one phobia in the US. Dr. […]
The Huffington Post
Say What? What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say.
The human heart is a truly amazing mechanism; so hard working and tough under pressure, but oh so easily damaged. We all have heartbreaks (I can’t even discuss my 7th grade boyfriend saga. A tragedy of epic proportions). Disappointments and suffering and grief and anguish are all part of life. Hooray for us! We have […]
Party Time? A Cheat Sheet To Help Break The Ice
Of all the crazy things I’ve been asked about regarding The Fine Art of Small Talk (“Dear Debra, I know my boyfriend is going to propose but I don’t want to marry him” — ohhhhh.), it’s the everyday situations that can cause the most jitters. We are in the thick of the holiday season, which means lots […]
Tips for Teens and The Summer Job
It was Sly and The Family Stone who sang about “hot fun in the summertime,” but they failed to mention the summer job. Spending the summer in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini sounds lovely, but without a summer job, we’re talking wipeout. While most of us over the age of 22 (I […]
Teaching Teens How to Talk Without Technology
My recent book, Beyond Texting: The Fine Art of Face-to-Face Communication for Teenagers is the result of several things: I was once a teenager, I had children who later became teenagers and I married a man who had children who later became teenagers. In a nutshell: The world is full of teenagers. Teaching the younger generation […]
Wrong Name Can Be A Venti Problem
Dear Debra: I’ve been going to the same coffee shop every weekday for two years and the woman behind the counter knows me. She is always saying hello and asking about my dog and my fiancé and she is lovely. She sees me and says Jen! Love those shoes! Come on over here and […]