Evan Selinger’s recent piece, E-Etiquette in the Classroom, is not necessarily groundbreaking. After all, what is deemed appropriate or inappropriate in our new reality, namely the over-teched world where we try to electronically co-exist, has been a topic of conversation for a while now; and I’m guessing it […]
Small Talk
Talk Tyrants and Their Victims | A Small Talk Series | The Monopolizer
Beware: There are small talk criminals lurking everywhere. The coffee shop, your kids’ school, the gym, the office, the dinner party. These brazen bullies strike quickly and without warning – and they don’t care who they hurt. My ongoing series, “Talk Tyrants,” serves two purposes: it equips you to artfully escape the attack of […]
Should Kids Use Formal or First Names With Adults?
Dear Debra, School’s back in session and I am not sure how to introduce myself to children in my child’s class. There are some children in class whom I have known for many years, and they call me by my first name. But there are new faces as well, and I would actually […]
Why A Handshake Gets A Thumbs Up.
My friend Molly recently told me about her son’s first day at jiu jitsu and she was, in a word, thrilled. “Griffin tried to fist bump the instructor and he said, ‘Oh, no, Griffin, we shake hands in jiu jitsu’. I was so happy! He’s learning jiu jitsu and proper manners all at the same time! He’s […]
How Much Is That Doggie In The Window? What To Do When Someone Barks Out Money Questions.
Dear Debra: What do you say when someone asks you how much something costs? The question makes me uncomfortable, but I find myself answering because I don’t know what else to do! Sincerely, Money Is Buying Me Unhappiness Dear Unhappiness: Why do so many people want others to show them the money? Why […]
Taming Flyaways – How to Small Talk Your Way into First Class
We’ve all done that walk past the first class passengers, and no matter how many times you do it, it still stings just a little, doesn’t it? Seeing the fluffy blankets and comfy chairs, hearing the sound of ice tinkling happily in glasses not made out of toxic plastic. . . it just makes […]