Dear Debra: Is it appropriate to use Facebook to send a thank you note? I recently gave my friend’s daughter a generous gift to celebrate a big event in her life, and was surprised when I received a message from her via Facebook. Am I wrong to feel wronged? Sincerely, Feeling Unfriended Dear […]
Call Me. Maybe? R U Wrong to Return a VM w a TXT?
Dear Debra: Whenever I call and leave a message for a friend of mine, she either texts or emails her response. Why? Is it appropriate to respond to a voice message with text or email? I am bothered by this, but wondering if I am being a bit too picky. Any insight? Sincerely, Not […]
Please, Say Thank You. Is Common Courtesy Becoming Uncommon?
I cringe when I hear, “No problem!” in response to me saying “Thank you.” Actually, there is a problem and the problem is responding with “No problem.” When you say, “Thank you,” the only response from me should be, “You are welcome” or “My pleasure.” Sadly, even the days of “No problem” are fading, giving […]
And Here’s To You, Mrs. Robinson…What to Say (And Not Say) to the Graduate
“Your families are extremely proud of you. You can’t imagine the sense of relief they are experiencing. This would be a most opportune time to ask for money.” ~Gary Bolding ‘Tis the season of graduation parties. And what a season it is. Graduation parties are a perfect time for food, drink, singing, dancing, and lots […]
How to Find A Small Talk Escape Route
National Etiquette Week is almost over! Pretty soon we can go back to our regularly scheduled rude, offensive behavior. I am kidding – of course. I believe that the bulk of the world has the best intentions when it comes to being polite. But even the best intentions get off course now and again. […]