Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, along with Bernie Goldberg, mentioned the latest Huffington Post blog on his show last week. Check it out here – and thank you to O’Reilly and Goldberg for addressing the topic of technology and kids; an issue so important I actually wrote a whole book about it.
Beyond Texting: The Fine Art of Face-toFace Communication for Teenagers
Palo Verde Believes in Going Above and ‘Beyond Texting’!
Thank you Palo Verde Valley Times for the great article on Beyond Texting: The Fine Art of Face-to-Face Communication For Teeneagers. Read the article here.
Three Simple Ways to Prepare Your Child for the Complications of Life.
Our goal as parents, besides surviving the sheer exhaustion and joy and agony that goes along with the most important non-paying job in the world, is fostering well-rounded, happy, successful, responsible, healthy, honest, interesting confident children. So… sort of a big job. We are on the far side of the pendulum swing when it […]
Back to School: Top Ten Ways To Avoid Flunking the Fall
It’s here! The school year is back! Some parents may be jumping for joy, especially those dealing with an eye-rolling teen or a bored 8-year-old. And some are white-knuckling it through the emotional turmoil of prepping a college-bound young adult (when did THAT happen — didn’t he just lose his baby teeth and learn how to […]
Wait! What About ME?
Dear Debra: I recently spent an enjoyable evening with an acquaintance of mine. In reality, we had a nice time, but a few days later, I realized she never once asked about me, my work, my family – nothing! I have read your books and I am patting myself on the back for being a […]
Tips for Teens and The Summer Job
It was Sly and The Family Stone who sang about “hot fun in the summertime,” but they failed to mention the summer job. Spending the summer in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini sounds lovely, but without a summer job, we’re talking wipeout. While most of us over the age of 22 (I […]