Dear Debra: What do you say when someone asks you how much something costs or how much you make? The question makes me uncomfortable, but I find myself answering because I don’t know what else to do! Sincerely, Money Is Buying Me Unhappiness Dear Unhappiness: Why do so many people want others to show […]
Why Inappropriate Money Questions Don’t Make Cents.
How to Break Up With A Friend In A Friendly Way
Is it time to say bye bye to a one-time BFF? Click on my Huffington Post blog for some tips on this sticky situation.
“Want a drink?” – Why your answer could be fuzzy.
Dear Debra: I have a neighbor whom I would consider a friend, though we aren’t so close that we discuss all the intimate details of our lives. I enjoy her company and she is “a regular” in my home whether it is a one-on-one visit or a neighborhood social function. I know she struggles […]
Is There A Time For Fussing and Fighting My Friend?
Today, as I was driving to one of my small talk engagements, I was humming along with John Lennon’s Imagine and the music really resonated with me. Partly because I was always a teeny bit jealous of Yoko with her white dress and white headpiece and white room and white piano and – […]
The Lunch Break – And Why Experts Think It’s A Good Thing.
Lunch breaks, for some reason, are frowned upon in the US; but new research shows that taking a lunch break is actually good for your health. In a recent Wall Street Journal article, Dr. Chris Cunningham, Professor of Industrial-Organization and Occupational Health Psychology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga touts the benefits of the […]